Well hello! What a wild time in history. Here we are stuck in our homes -- trying to make lemonade out of lemons. I feel ya - these are trying times. But we are all trying to just do our best and stay healthy and keep our immune systems strong.
I see you all out there with your healthy food and in-home workouts and living your best indoor life (as possible). And maybe even filtering your water (kudos!). But did you know indoor air pollution is super important since we spend most of our life indoors (yes even outside of #quarantinelife).

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors (how crazy is that?!). And, honestly, my husband I started researching indoor air flame retardants in homes and indoor air pollution in general -- because of his job.
But you don’t have to be a fire fighter to be exposed to carcinogens or other particles like pollen, dust, bacteria & viruses, pet dander, mold spores and smoke combined with ozone, invisible gases and volatile organic compounds which are emitted by building materials, furniture (leaking carcinogens if compliant with TB117), carpeting, paint, cleaning and personal care products.
Indoor air pollution causes epidemic levels of both short and long term effects. Short term symptoms can be sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, coughing, itchy watery eyes, fatigue, stomach ache… the list goes on.
Long term health risks may show up either years after exposure has occurred or after long or repeated periods of exposure. Long term risks can include respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer.
Every day we breathe 15,000 liters of air and the toxins pass through our lungs and are circulated to the heart, liver, kidneys, brain and other organs. According to the World Health Organization long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) concentrations leads to a marked reduction in life expectancy.
The reduction in life expectancy is primarily due to increased cardio-pulmonary and lung cancer mortality. Increases are likely in lower respiratory symptoms and reduced lung function in children, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and reduced lung function in adults.
After years of contemplating, we finally purchased an AirDoctor Pro a few months ago. Now we actually have two (we keep one in our room). The AirDoctor can purify up to 2400 square feet once every hour. Amazing!
AirDoctor is the first affordable air PURIFIER that not only removes almost 100% of particles but also the vast majority of toxic ozone, volatile organic chemicals and gases.
The Carbon/Gas Trap/VOC Filter combines two types of media: one to remove gas and odors and a second to deactivate certain volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde. By combining UltraHEPA™ with Carbon/Gas Trap/VOC Filter, AirDoctor provides the ultimate pure air solution.
HEPA is an acronym for High Efficiency Particulate Air. These filters are designed to capture particles that is 0.3 Microns. UltraHEPA™ captures particle down to 0.003 Microns. That is 100 times smaller than regular HEPA.
It is a 100% sealed system, which ensures the air you breathe is pure and filtered and circumvents the issue of unsealed leaks. It also has an Auto-Mode, which automatically adjusts speed of filtration according to ambient air quality using a professional grade quality sensor.
The AirDoctor Pro filters:
Pet dander
And the vast majority of VOCs (which I think is so important!). One of the major reasons we got the air filter was because I believe that flame retardants (in furniture and carpeting) can be so dangerous -- see my dangers of flame retardant post here. And I also suspect this home may have mold in it -- it was apparently cleaned out but I just want to be certain our air is safe. Many, many homes have mold -- and mold can play out into a variety of short and long term health problems.
One thing we have noticed with our AirDoctor is that it kicks into high speed fan mode due to toxic air (the light turns red) during and after we use our gas stove to cook. It has to purify the air from the carcinogenic smoke and the gas released into our air. And what's fascinating is that even the AirDoctor that we keep in our room turns on when we cook -- that dirty air from the kitchen cooking makes it way up into our room, as well.
Let me know if you have any questions. We are loving ours!
This deal is amazing, and I'm not sure how long they will keep it running.
Be well friends. Keep taking care of your whole health.
